International Self Love Day--IT'S THE DAY TO MAKE A CHANGE!!!!

International Self Love Day--IT'S THE DAY TO MAKE A CHANGE!!!!


I am sitting here today on International Self-Care Day thinking about what life has been like since Covid entered our lives and I realize that taking care of one’s self it the greatest gift we can give ourselves.

Making choices to support your heart....

Taking steps to create calm in your life....

Leaving behind what you hang onto because it was valuable before our world changed.


Today I want to share with you that I am taking a stand for my heart, for calm and leaving behind what was important to me before…

 I have decided to put a pause on designing apparel and instead focus on dedicating my life to supporting both myself and others on our journey to self-acceptance, self- love and self-care.

 Donating thousands of masks to those in the front-lines of this pandemic brought me so much joy and made me realize that there are many ways to make a difference.

 I will   be closing out the clothing on my site soon and will   begin to add   self-care products created by local Artists here in San Diego.  I will also be launching a You-Tube Channel designed to be a place for learning, sharing and growing.

I am not saddened by this decision but excited about what the future brings for us!!



 Love "YOU"




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